Tuesday, 29 June 2010


A edit is a change between two shots, the part that makes one go into another or it can be something over a clip.

Graphic Match - this is how something is in shot and it cuts to another shot of something completely different howeve they will be in the same posoition in the shot and ultimately have one factor in common. For example, in the frozen video there a shot of the night sky and then the shot fades into a track on dark black water. They are 2 different things however are yet related by their colours.

Graphic Continuity - this is how the continuity keeps its flow by the positioning of the object/character in screen. If a character was to the right of the screen wearing a blue vest top with some light covering his face, and then the next shot would be a closer shot of the character, but he/she will still be wearing the blue vest top and some light would still over he/her face and they would still be to the right of the screen. For example, one shot shes in the middle and she begins to fall back and the next shot is of her still falling but from a different angle, once again she is in the middl,e lighting is the same and she is still falling.

Graphic Discontinuity - This is how the continuity in a scene can be broken by the colour, lighting etc. For example, if a person was running on the left of the screen to the right and the camera was tracking them so they stayed to the left of the screen, the camera shot would change to show another peron running towards them tracking them also, but they would be on the right side of the screen however wearing different clothes, colours and possibile a different setting, thus continuity is broken. For example, in the forzen video, there a shot where shes in the middle of the screen and then it jumps to her being on the left of the screen looking in a different diretion, breaking the continuity.

Ryhthmic - Rhythmic editing manipulates the length of time that each shoot remins on the screen for, example, pace, tempo.
For instance, if a character was slowly walk towards the screen and the camera started at his/her feet, it would slowly pan upwards eventually showing his/her face. As this would happen, the music would start off quite calm and gental, however as the camera moveed up her/his body it would pick up pace and tempo, eventually peaking when showing the characters face. For example, at the beginning of the video, the music is very slow and humble however as the camera pans upwards slowly getting to her face trhe music increases and gets faster and harder, untill her face is revealied and the music drops properly.

Spartial - This is how two completely clips are put together to portray a message. For example, if theres a shot of a sad/angry man and you didnt know why he was this way, but the next shot was of a bowl of soup it would convey he was hungry, in addition if it instead showed a child crying and then a broken toy, it would portray that the child's toy was broken and it upset him. This type of continuity editing uses the viewer to have to interpret the meaning behind it. For example, theres a shot in frozen of the singer singing however looking beyond the camera and out of nowere another character walks out and it her again and the audience realise what she was looking at.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Hip Hop Mood Board

Evalution of another students Mood Board:

What Genre is their mood board represent?

You are looking for conventions of the genre which has been chosen, how will is this done?
Very good

Have they chosen a wide range of elements for inclusion?
At least 5 different artists
Very good

At least 2 different music video shots
Very good

Conventions colour for genre?
very good

Album Covers?
Very good

Positioning/performance of the artist?
Very good

Name 3 convetnions of this type of genre you can see in the mood board
  1. Brown/leather jackets
  2. Jeans and ecpecially dark jeans
  3. Very masculine attitudes

Ive learnt that in this genre of music it is more about the leader singer/rapper and his look and style is the most important thing.

Evaluation of Mood Board:

The clothing they where is very clean and cut; if a peice of clothing is baggy or loose on anyone, they would then have another tight peice of clothing, as the whole style is to contrast in types of clothes to give them a fashionable look.

The way the artists stand is very important, they rarely stand still which both arms down their sides; they normally stand with a strong posture & assert authoirty.

Majoirty of the artists are wearing darker clothes, this gives them a serious look as the 'Hip Hop' culture revolves around life, and as they believe life is to be veru harsh and cruel.