Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Technical Tutorial (Photoshop)

I recently had a tutorial lesson on photoshop in which we done a photoshoot and then uploaded the pictures, and we asked to make the front cover of a CD case using one, however we'd have to edit the picture to make it look professional as such.

I learnt the following techniques and did them successfully:

Inserting pictures from a folder into photoshop

Creating layers in photoshop

Moving layers in front and behind other layers

Using the 'Rectangular Marquee Tool'

Using the 'Brush Tool'

Using the 'Magic Wand'

Using the 'Eraser Tool'

Using the 'Paint Bucket' tool

Using the 'Horizontal Type' tool

Using the 'Eye Dropper' tool

Using the 'Set Foreground Colour' tool

Adding a outer glow to a picture

Rotating pictures and text

Importing fonts from a different website

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