Thursday, 10 March 2011

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stage?


For majority of my research i used media technologies to gather the necessary information about my genre and the target audience.

I used YouTube to watch hundred of Hip Hop videos to get aperfect understand of what effective hip hop videos do to be effective as well as watched loads of poorly made videos to see what i should stay away from. I also read them comment's youtuber's posted of videos to see what they thought was effective and why and trying to implement some of the ideas into my own video.

I also used blogger toread other people's analyses of hip hop music videos and
how they perceived them, whatthey thought was good/bad and why as most of the
blogger's i looked at had a very good understanding of what makes a music video successful an
d why, so by reading
their comments it helped my to know what to research.

Furthermore, i used a lot of Hip Hop magazines websites to research the adverts in them and the difference between how the famous artists where portrayed and the 'upcoming' artists.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on how you have separated the blogs into the 4 points. Easy and clear to read.

    The first sentence misses the word 'the'. Hundred is spelt wrong in the second paragraph. Talk about how you uploaded your analysis/ charts of music videos onto blogger.
