Thursday, 10 March 2011

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Once our project's where complete (music video, digital pack, poster) we showed them to each other to feed of each others work, give constrictive criticism and see how we could of improved our own.
By getting Pier's to evaluate my work on more then 2 occasions and by people who didn't meet my target audience it was a bit different however a good experience.
I learnt even people who don't meet your target audience can still admire your work, not for the music but for the shots in the music video or the effects on the poster or the way the camera was used for the Digital pack.

I found out that for various parts in my music video especially when the video was cut to the beat of the music my piers liked it, they felt it gave the video a good feel and vibe, as well as it changed the pace of the music video keeping it exciting when nothing exciting may of been actually showing. So i learnt how a video is shot can contribute a lot to how effective it can be regardless of what it consists of

1 comment:

  1. few spelling mistakes; constructive; peer. Add some visual imagery/clips of where your 'piers' liked it.
