His theory was of the music video construction
He identifies 3 diferent approaches to the structure of a music video according to the relationship between the sound and the music.
Music -
The music is cut to the beat of the music (always)
Lyrics -
The video will act/bring the lyrics to like. for example if its a song about a love story, the video will show a love story obviously.
Band Image -
The video is very focused on seeing the singers as singer and the band members as the band; the people in the video will be dressed according to the genre.
The idea is alot about the 'Promotion of the artist'
Music -
Music is cut to the beat sometimes, however times when it isn't, is for when they want to show the features of something or show something openly.
Lyrics -
The message of the song won't be as obvious and less direct, however still may be portrayed in a subliminal way.
Band Image -
Band members/artist will take on a fictional role in the video, for example play characters in a scenario.
Music -
The music is not cut to beat, and if done incorrectly it can make a music video look very unprofessional and badly made
Lyrics -
Images have no link to the lyrics at all.
Band Image -
The band will adopt a image which is unrelevant or the complete opposite to the genre of their music.
This type of music video rely's on breaking all video sterotypes because the band is already so well know the audience would admire it, for example daft punks music videos.
For my music video, by using what ive learnt from Goodwin's theory, im going to use the music and lyrics concept from Amplification and the band image concept from illustration, as it would best fit the genre of my music.
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