Thursday, 25 November 2010

Props/Costume List

Props -

The only prop we are going to use is a American Nickel in our music video, as it relates to the lyrics at the time we've chosen to show it, it is the only props as most successful HipHop music videos don't have props in them.

Costume -

Artist 1 -

Black Flat Cap - Goes with the HipHop genre, and shows 'attitude'
Black 'I love Haterz' T Shirt - Goes With genre and relates to lyrics
Black Normal Fit Jeans - Commonly seen in HipHop Videos
Black Shoes - Look Plain and simple yet effective
Black Leather Look Jacket (With Hood) - Shows attitude and gives artist with something to play with. The leather look is on purpose as he's a struggling artist he wouldn't be able to afford a real leather jacket.
Artist 2 -

Trilby Hat - Shows a more expensive style and fashion sense
Black sun glasses - Goes with HipHop genre
Black Trench Coat - Shows he has money and no attitude (a different side to 'HipHop')
Grey Jeans - Looks simple but effective, and fits the genre
Black/White Trainers - Fits genre
Jewelry - Goes with characters situation and fits genre.

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